920-446-2952 hopeucc@centurytel.net 8950 Alpine Rd Fremont, WI 54940


For year 2022-2023 
There will be no Confirmation Classes


Confirmation Program Overview


  • In order to receive the Rite of Confirmation, Confirmands MUST be baptized.
  • Attendance is mandatory at each session and required to receive the Rite of Confirmation.
  • Sunday Worship experiences or Sunday School (if prearranged with Pastor).
  • Attend Youth Faith Formation retreat(s) at Daycholah Center in Green Lake.
  • Be Prepared: All homework assignments must be completed on time.
  • Bring: Bible, “My Confirmation Book”, paper and pen to all scheduled classes.
  • Attend other age-appropriate church activities, i.e. Church services, Sunday school and any other youth group activities.
  • Attend annual meeting 

Program Overview:

The Rite of Confirmation is an important part of church life.  Hope United Church of Christ believes that, if a person is baptized, Confirmation is the final act of entering into full adult membership.

  • Classes held on Wednesday evenings from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Classes will last approximately 1 ½ hours
  • Confirmands are required to participate as a Lay Reader and will recite their Statement of Faith on the day they are scheduled to Lay Read prior to Confirmation Day. Appropriate dress code is encouraged for these occasions.
  • It is highly recommended that Confirmands attend Maundy Thursday service.
  • Rite of Confirmation happens during the 10:15 a.m. worship service, where the Confirmands will be welcomed into full church membership and to be united through Communion into the Body of Christ.
  • In case of severe weather, listen to Radio Station LAKES 92.7 for cancellations or Rule of Thumb: if school is cancelled, so will Confirmation Class.  Make up day will be TBD.

Parents/Guardians Expectations and Involvement throughout the year:

  • Hope’s Safe Conduct Policy and Guidelines are strictly enforced. A parent/parent rep or guardian MUST be present at each session at all times. We ask that each parent/parent rep or guardian schedule a day that is most convenient.
    • A parent/parent rep or guardian must read and agree with the Safe Conduct Policy and Guidelines. The Safe Conduct Covenant sheet must be signed and returned to the Pastor and/or church office as soon as possible.
    • A Candidate Information Form also needs to filled out and returned as soon as possible.
    • It is our hope that Confirmands will continue an active church involvement serving not only as a Lay Reader, but to participate in special events/programs, assist the Sunday school leaders as a Youth Advisor/Assistant or assisting the Ushers on Sunday.